innermapmonica with youth group


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2HMV with cation

Our focus is working with adults so these local children can have a positive outlook and perspective for their future.  Their playground will no longer be a garbage dump.


Shared Wisdom and Knowledge Develops Individuals and their Human Potential

History, Mission and Vision


History, Mission and Vision

There is always potential to change for those living in poverty.   Involving these individuals motivates and nurtures a sense of responsibility, and ignites ideas.  The capacity for change does not lie within one or two individuals; rather, it lies within the entire community, which fosters a spirit of working together for the betterment of all.
finished with field work
Monica Messa founded Multiply the H.A.R.V.E.S.T. in 2010 .  Through Monica's previous volunteer service in Togo she recognized that merely providing a needed service without engaging the recipients would never break a cycle of dependency and ignorance, which continues to take life instead of nurturing it.  She felt that engaging the villagers of Togo in their own village development to improve quality of life and achieve sustainable livelihood could break a cycle of poverty.  She envisioned a process in which the villagers assume responsibility by utilizing their own potential and capability for common good.  
Multiply the HARVEST effects positive changes to improve quality life by a cooperative effort of shared human resources.
We believe growth and development of individuals as well as rural villages are processes, which span a lifetime. These require utilization of resources (both human and natural), as "keys" to attaining sustainable development. 
The collaborative efforts of local residents and the talents and expertise offered by established organizations and volunteers encourages every person to be motivated and responsible for improving quality of life, while defending the human dignity of each person.  We work together toward a culture that is responsible and self-sufficient, not dependent on others to provide the everyday needs of life.  We involve the whole community in the prioritizing, planning and implementation of processes to achieve positive sustainable change. 

 Scriptural Foundation

“Above all things have a constant mutual charity among yourselves; for charity covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without murmuring. According to the gift that each has received, administer it to one another as good stewards of the varied graces of God. If anyone speaks, let it be as from the strength that God furnishes; that in all things God may be honored through Jesus Christ, to whom are the glory and the dominion forever. Amen”            1Peter 4:8-11